The government aims to support business

The measures for the financial and non-financial support of tourism projects are covered in the interview with Oksana Gerasimova, head of the Investments and Entrepreneurship Agency of Kamchatka Territory.

– What kind of support do tourism projects receive from the state in Kamchatka Territory?
– The government of our territory continues to place high priority on the generation of a favourable investment climate and the development of entrepreneurial activity. We offer a wide range of state support measures. They include subsidies of 3 million roubles to small and medium-sized businesses in the tourism industry. Support is being provided to construction projects of two new dormitory blocks for children with 80 beds each, capital and non-capital guest houses; non-capital frame houses on pile foundations as a part of the Russian Homestead campaign; the acquisition of a stand-alone wind power plant and generators; and a café at the Lesnaya Polyana Recreation Resort. All in all, six agreements totaling 18 million roubles were made from 2017 to 2018. Another important measure is state support of investment activities. It is provided in accordance with Law No. 129 of Kamchatka Territory that establishes the guarantees, forms and conditions of the provision of state support for investment activity in Kamchatka Territory in the form of financial and non-financial measures.
State support in the form of financial measures is granted to particularly important investment projects – they receive tax preferences to compensate a portion of interest charges on loans granted by Russian credit institutions for the purpose of project implementation. Moreover, they are reimbursed the costs of the creation and/or reconstruction of infrastructure facilities, as well as the costs of connection to heat, gas, water and power supply sources and wastewater disposal facilities. The maximum amount of the subsidy does not exceed the actual amount of costs incurred and cannot be more than 20 million roubles.

– The state does not only help with money. Could you tell us about non-financial supporting measures?
– Yes, there are a lot. They include the appointment of curators; recognition of an investment project as a large-scale investment project in Kamchatka Territory in order to provide land on lease to the investor without going through a tender process; participation in Russian and international exhibitions, forums, presentations, etc. aimed at attracting investments in the economy of Kamchatka Territory; and the conclusion of concession agreements. The investment portal of Kamchatka Territory containing principal information on investment activities, various databases, and guidelines and organisational support has versions in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese.

– Could you name the most interesting projects that you are supporting at present or those that have already been awarded special status?
– The Noviy Dom LLC project – a hotel complex on Leningradskaya Street (implementation period: 2016—2019, investment amount: 1,334 million roubles). Investment project of particular importance status has been awarded to the Nachikinsky Health Resort LLC for its reconstruction and modernisation project of the health resort complex (implementation period: 2013—2020, investment amount: 920 million roubles). Large-scale project status has been awarded to Pavlin LLC for its ethnic village project in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (implementation period: 2016—2018, investment amount: 236 million roubles). – What special legal regimes are in effect in Kamchatka Territory and how do they help entrepreneurs? – On 28 August 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the resolution
"On the Creation of the Advanced Social and Economic Development Territory 'Kamchatka'". The second special regime has been granted to the free port of Vladivostok. The regime has been applied to the urban district of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky since 3 July 2016. Resident organisations are offered significant state support: tax and insurance benefits, property and customs benefits, benefits with respect to labour legislation, preferences in the sphere of state and municipal control and supervision, urban development activities in relation to placement of infrastructure facilities, and also special conditions for conducting state ecological expert evaluation of the draft designs of infrastructure facilities.

– What promising projects and sites in Kamchatka stand out for you in particular?
– The tourist recreation clusters Paratunka, Zelenovskiye Ozerki, Petrovskaya Sopka, and Petropavlovskaya Gavan, as well as the health resort complex Zhemchuzhina Kamchatki (the Pearl of Kamchatka). An important milestone in the development of tourism industry on the peninsula is the construction of the all-weather international skiing resort at four sites at once.

The Cluster Development Centre in Kamchatka
In 2017—2018, the Agency for Investments and Entrepreneurship of Kamchatka Territory oversaw the creation of the Cluster Development Centre (CDC). A tourist recreation cluster has been created that comprises 39 tourist companies. The CDC supports them by providing the following services: marketing research, umbrella branding, arranging participation in exhibitions both in Russia and abroad, arranging and conducting training seminars and round tables with leading business trainers from specialised industries, and organising information campaigns and business plans for joint cluster projects. To date, eight cluster member enterprises have participated in two Russian and two international events thanks to the centre.
Moreover, work is underway to develop six umbrella brands and their marketing positioning strategies, one marketing research project, five business plans, and feasibility studies of joint cluster projects ordered by seven companies.
On 10—12 October, the Business People conference will be held in Kamchatka Territory. It involves a number of training activities for members of the tourist recreation clusters. Теги:
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